
How To Keep Sex Interesting After 60

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60-Plus: Withal Sexy

Sexual practice after threescore? That's a large yes. Many mature couples have better beloved lives than they did in their more youthful days. In that location are lots of reasons for this. They have deeper intimacy with partners, fewer distractions, no pregnancy concerns, and just evidently more time to get decorated. Plus, they have much more than know-how and done-that than those young things on TV.

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Hormonal Changes

Effectually midlife -- age 45 or so -- new issues can temporarily dampen your honey life, though. Sexual practice hormones take a big dip. For women, menopause brings a plunge in estrogen and androgens. Your vaginal walls get thinner and drier. Men run across a nosedive of testosterone and estrogen nigh the same fourth dimension. This tin can make it hard to get an erection (erectile dysfunction, or ED). Changes in the brain and your blood flow switch things upwards, too.

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Vaginal Changes

The main sexual problems for women tend to be trouble getting to orgasm, lack of want, and vaginal dryness. Your vagina shortens and narrows with historic period. It doesn't moisten itself equally easily equally before. This can cause pain when you take sex. Lubed condoms, h2o-based lubricating jelly, and vaginal moisturizers might do the trick. Your doctor might also prescribe vaginal estrogen, which comes equally a cream, a pill or tablet, or an insert.

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Erectile Dysfunction

The main age-related sexual trouble for men is erectile dysfunction, or ED. Erections don't come -- and stay -- like they used to. Your penis might not get as difficult or large as before. One of iv ED drugs might be the reply. But they can have side effects. They can too disharmonism with drugs that contain nitrates. Be wary of herbs and supplements that promise a fast fix. Always talk to your doc earlier you effort them.

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Diabetes tin cause ED for men, especially those with type ii. Poor claret sugar control can, over time, harm nerves and blood vessels that supply sex organs. Meds, a penis pump, or even a penile implant can help. Women with this condition can also accept less feeling in their genitals. Information technology also causes more vaginal yeast infections, which tin can irritate this area and make information technology difficult or unpleasant to accept sex. Just they're hands treated.

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Centre Disease

A heart attack during sex might make for skillful Goggle box, just information technology doesn't often happen in real life. Heart disease does make your arteries narrow and harden, so your blood doesn't flow as easily. Y'all might find it difficult to get aroused or have orgasms. Simply once it'southward treated, your medico likely volition give you the light-green light. Exist sure to tell your doctor nearly whatever breast pain, problems breathing, or symptoms that become worse.

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Other Challenges

Other medical conditions that tin can bear on your sexual practice life include weight gain, arthritis, chronic pain, bladder control bug, dementia, loftier blood pressure or cholesterol, side effects from meds, depression, and stroke. Also, surgery -- peculiarly in sexual areas -- tin touch your cocky-prototype and how you experience. Talk with each other about ways you can stay close. Put aside caregiving roles when yous can to focus on existence a partner.

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Talk to Your Doctor

You might not find it easy to talk about this field of study with your doc. The truth is, they might accept trouble talking about it, also. They might be more than likely to bring it up when it relates to other weather. It tin can help to enquire direct questions, such as: Tin y'all recommend a sexual practice counselor, and is this covered by Medicare? Do any of my meds cause sex issues? Would it help me to have estrogen? Is at that place an culling to ED drugs?

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Sexual activity Therapy

If your main doctor isn't helpful, consider a sex activity therapist or other trained counselor. They'll talk with you lot nearly your concerns and aid come up with ways to meet your needs as a couple. Maybe the answer is more foreplay, or more directly stimulation. If a condition like arthritis makes information technology hard to relish sexual practice, they tin suggest new positions that are more comfy and satisfying for y'all both.

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Get Creative

Mutual sense and a creative spirit can spark new means to enjoy sex. For example, if a flat surface doesn't work for your knees, a new position or special furniture can offer another angle. If you have problems getting aroused, a vibrator can assistance get blood moving. It's natural to worry about "getting back into the swing of things" if you've been inactive for a while. But merely having sex can help you relax and let desire take the lead.

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Safe Sex Is Still Important

STDs are equal-opportunity diseases: They don't discriminate by historic period. If you're sexually agile, you're at take chances for STDs. These include chlamydia, genital warts or herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. Also, the number of older people with HIV and AIDS is growing. You lot should always keep up on your checkups and tests, employ condoms, and keep up honest communication with your partner.

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Changing Partners

With meliorate wellness, meds, and more ways to encounter people, such equally online, older adults tin can savour dating -- and sex -- at any age. But you need to stay savvy. Acquire your partner'southward history before you accept sex of any kind. Both of you should become tested first, likewise. Always use a safe and h2o-based lubricant, which protects against sores or cuts that tin can enhance your chances of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

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Differences in Want

Couples disharmonism at times about sex drive -- or lack of information technology. For women, the drib in estrogen, bowel and float bug, breast atrophy, or cystitis after sexual activity can dampen want. Men with ED or other bug might merely not want to "go at that place." Recall near your partner's indicate of view. When you talk about your feelings and needs, do it from an "I" standpoint: "I'd savor it if we … ." This lets you express yourself without hurting feelings.

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Why You Should Bother

Why bother, yous inquire? Curt respond: The benefits of sexual activity are many. Simply a few reasons to keep at it (and going solo counts): It boosts your immune organisation, burns calories, lowers blood pressure level, helps you relax, eases hurting, keeps your mind abrupt, and may lessen the risk of eye attack and prostate cancer. It keeps yous and your partner close. Information technology but may aid yous live longer. Oh, and information technology makes you happy.

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Dissimilar Strokes

You can be intimate and loving -- and sexy, too -- without intercourse. Lovemaking includes caressing, hugging, kissing, and transmission or oral stimulation. Any loving or intimate expression tin make your intimate life full. If you don't have a partner, self-stimulation -- aka masturbation -- is a healthy, satisfying road to reap the many benefits of sex activity.

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National Institute on Aging: "Sexuality in Subsequently Life."

Periodical for Nurse Practitioners: "Sexuality and Quality of Life in Aging: Implications for Exercise."

Mayo Clinic: "Vaginal Atrophy," "Estrogen (Vaginal Route)," "Erectile Dysfunction & Diabetes: Take Control Today," "Chronic Hurting," "Sexual Health and Aging: Go on the Passion Alive," "Sexual Health."

Health in Aging Foundation: "Sexual Health: Care & Treatment," "What to Ask: Sexual Health," "Safe Sex For Seniors."

American Heart Association: "Sex and Centre Disease."

BMC Family Practice: "Views of family physicians on heterosexual sexual function in older adults."

American Society on Aging: "Everything You Always Wanted to Know Almost (Tardily-Life) Sex activity."

National Plant on Aging: "Sexuality in Afterwards Life."

Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Erectile Dysfunction."

Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology: "Sexual Role in Elderly Women: A Review of Electric current Literature."

Journals of Gerontology: "Frequent Sexual Activity Predicts Specific Cognitive Abilities in Older Adults." "8 Reasons Sexual practice Improves Your Health."


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