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Menstrual cups are generally regarded as safety within the medical customs.

Although at that place are some risks, they're considered minimal and unlikely to occur when the cup is used as recommended. Information technology's as well of import to consider that all menstrual products carry some degree of risk.

It ultimately comes down to finding the product and method that you're nigh comfortable with.

Here's what yous need to know about using menstrual cups.

You're more likely to experience minor irritation from wearing the wrong cup size than you are to develop a severe complication similar toxic daze syndrome (TSS).

Agreement how and why these complications occur can assistance you reduce your overall risk of agin effects.


Irritation can happen for a number of reasons, and, for the most part, they're all preventable.

For case, inserting the loving cup without proper lubrication tin cause discomfort.

In many cases, applying a small-scale amount of water-based lube to the outside of the cup can help prevent this. Exist sure to read the manufacturer'southward recommendations on the product packaging for further clarification.

Irritation tin can also occur if the cup isn't the right size or if it isn't cleaned properly between uses. We'll discuss cup option and care later in this article.


Infection is a rare complication of menstrual cup use.

If an infection does occur, it's more likely from the transfer of leaner on easily to the cup than from the cup itself.

For example, yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis tin develop if leaner in the vagina — and subsequently vaginal pH — becomes imbalanced.

You can reduce your hazard by washing your hands thoroughly with warm h2o and antibacterial soap before handling the cup.

Yous should also wash your loving cup with warm water and a mild, fragrance-free, water-based soap earlier and subsequently use.

One over-the-counter soap to effort is Neutrogena Liquid Lather. Olfactory property-free, oil-gratuitous cleansers made for infants are as well good alternatives, such equally Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser or Dermeze Soap-Complimentary Wash.


Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare but serious complication that tin can result from certain bacterial infections.

It occurs when Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria — which naturally exist on your peel, nose, or mouth — are pushed deeper into the body.

TSS is typically associated with leaving a tampon inserted for longer than recommended or wearing a tampon with a college-than-needed absorbency.

TSS equally a result of tampon use is rare. It's even rarer when using menstrual cups.

A 2022 review states five known reports of TSS associated with the employ of a menstrual cup.

You can reduce your risk for TSS past:

  • washing your hands thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial lather earlier removing or inserting your cup
  • cleaning your cup as recommended past the manufacturer, ordinarily with warm water and a mild, fragrance-gratis, oil-costless soap, before insertion
  • applying a small amount of water or water-based lube (per manufacturer'south instructions) to the outside of the cup to aid in insertion


Menstrual cups are usually safe as long as yous insert them with clean hands, remove them carefully, and make clean them appropriately. If yous aren't committed to keeping them clean, however, yous may wish to utilise a disposable production, like pads or tampons.


You pay a ane-time price for a reusable loving cup — usually between $15 and $xxx — and can use it for years with proper intendance. Disposable cups, tampons, and pads must be continually bought.


Menstrual cups that are designed for reuse cut down on the number of pads or tampons in landfills.

Ease of employ

Menstrual cups aren't as easy to use equally pads but can be similar to tampons in terms of insertion. Learning to remove the menstrual cup can take time and do, but unremarkably gets easier with repeated use.

Belongings volume

Menstrual cups can hold varying amounts of claret, merely on heavy days, you may have to rinse or change them more than frequently than y'all're used to.

You may be able to expect upwardly to 12 hours — the max recommended time — before you have to alter your cup, whereas you may need to change a pad or tampon every 4 to 6 hours.


All menstrual hygiene products — cups included — are safe to utilise if you accept an IUD. There hasn't been any bear witness to suggest that the process of insertion or removal will dislodge your IUD.

In fact, researchers in one 2012 written report found your risk for IUD expulsion is the same regardless of whether you use a menstrual loving cup.

Vaginal sexual practice

If you lot take vaginal sex while wearing a tampon, the tampon may go pushed college into the trunk and become stuck. The longer it'south at that place, the more than likely it is to crusade complications.

Although menstrual cups won't get dislodged in the aforementioned style as tampons, their position may brand penetration uncomfortable.

Some cups may be more comfortable than others. The Ziggy Cup, for example, was designed to accommodate vaginal sex.

The general medical consensus is that menstrual cups are safe to use.

As long as you use the cup as directed, your overall risk for adverse side furnishings is minimal. Some people similar them because they're reusable and don't take to be changed as oft as other products.

Whether they're correct for you ultimately comes down to your individual comfort level.

If you've experienced recurrent vaginal infections and are concerned almost increasing your risk, talk to a doctor or other healthcare professional before use.

They tin can answer any questions you have and may be able to recommend a specific loving cup or other menstrual product.

Although there aren't whatever official guidelines effectually this — nigh manufacturers recommend cups for all ages and sizes — cups may non be an option for everyone.

You may find information technology helpful to talk to a healthcare professional before use if you accept:

  • vaginismus, which tin make vaginal insertion or penetration painful
  • uterine fibroids, which can cause heavy periods and pelvic hurting
  • endometriosis, which can consequence in painful menstruation and penetration
  • variations in uterine position, which can affect cup placement

Having ane or more than of these weather doesn't automatically mean that you can't use a menstrual cup. It just means that you lot may feel more discomfort during employ.

Your provider can hash out your individual benefits and risks and may be able to guide you on product selection.

Menstrual cups can come in slightly varied shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's hard to know the best 1 to purchase. Here are a few tips.


About manufacturers offer either a "small" or a "large" loving cup. Although the same linguistic communication is used across manufacturers, at that place isn't a standard for sizing dimensions.

Modest cups are normally 35 to 43 millimeters (mm) in diameter at the rim of the cup. Large cup diameters are usually 43 to 48 mm.

Pro tip

As a full general rule, select a cup based on your age and history of childbirth rather than your anticipated catamenia.
Although the book the loving cup can concord is important, yous want to make sure that the cup is wide enough to stay in place.

A smaller loving cup may be all-time if you've never had intercourse or typically employ absorbency tampons.

If you've had a vaginal delivery or accept a weak pelvic floor, yous may detect that a larger cup fits best.

Sometimes, discovering the right size is a matter of trial and error.


Most menstrual cups are made from silicone. Withal, some are made from rubber or comprise rubber components. This means if yous're allergic to latex, the material could cause irritation.

You should always read the product label earlier use to learn more about the materials in any menstrual production.

Your loving cup should come with instructions for care and cleaning. Here are some general guidelines:

Initial cleaning

It's important to sterilize your menstrual cup before you insert it for the first time.

To do this:

  1. Submerge the loving cup completely in a pot of boiling for 5–x minutes.
  2. Empty the pot and allow the cup to return to room temperature.
  3. Wash your hands with warm water and balmy, antibacterial soap.
  4. Wash the cup with a mild, water-based, oil-gratis soap and rinse thoroughly.
  5. Dry out the cup with a clean towel.


Always wash your hands earlier inserting your cup.

You lot may also consider applying a h2o-based lube to the outside of the loving cup. This tin reduce friction and make insertion easier. Make sure you lot check the manufacturer's recommendations on the production packaging before using lube.

As a general rule, silicone- and oil-based lube may cause certain cups to dethrone. Water and water-based lube may exist safer alternatives.

When yous're set up to insert, you should:

  1. Tightly fold the menstrual loving cup in one-half, holding information technology in one hand with the rim facing upward.
  2. Insert the cup, rim up, into your vagina like you lot would a tampon without an applicator. It should sit down a few inches below your cervix.
  3. In one case the cup is in your vagina, rotate it. Information technology volition start to expand to create an airtight seal that stops leaks.
  4. You may observe that y'all have to twist it or reposition it slightly for your condolement, and so conform as needed.


Depending on how heavy your menstruum is, you may be able to habiliment your loving cup for up to 12 hours.

You should always remove your cup by the 12-hour mark. This ensures regular cleaning and helps prevent a buildup of leaner.

To remove and empty your cup:

  1. Wash your hands with warm water and mild antibacterial soap.
  2. Slide your index finger and thumb into your vagina.
  3. Pinch the base of the menstrual cup and gently pull to remove it. If you pull on the stem, you could take a mess on your hands.
  4. One time it's out, empty the cup into the sink or toilet.
  5. Rinse the cup under tap water, wash information technology thoroughly, and reinsert.
  6. Wash your hands after you're done.

After your period is over, sterilize your cup by putting it in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. This volition assist prevent contamination during storage.


You lot shouldn't store your cup in an airtight container, because this won't allow wet to evaporate. Instead, any moisture nowadays can linger and concenter bacteria or fungi.

Well-nigh manufacturers recommend storing the cup in a cotton pouch or an open bag.

If you go to use your cup and discover that it appears damaged or thin, has a foul-smelling smell, or is discolored, throw it out. Using the cup in this state may increase your take a chance of infection.

Although infection is highly unlikely, it is possible. See a healthcare professional person if yous begin experiencing:

  • unusual vaginal belch
  • vaginal pain or soreness
  • burning during urination or intercourse
  • foul aroma from the vagina

You lot should seek firsthand medical attention if y'all experience:

  • a loftier fever
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • rash, which may resemble sunburn