
How To Increase Your Vertical Jump For Volleyball At Home

How to Jump Higher for Volleyball: Ten Commandments for the Vertical Leap

An explosive, impressive vertical is ane of the nearly coveted – if non the most coveted – concrete skills in all of sport. It's the reason we curiosity at NBA players such equally Blake Griffin, and 'ohh' and 'ahh' at the absurd bounces of volleyball players like Troy Field.

It'due south why at that place'southward an entire douse contest that gets viewed past millions every twelvemonth, and why we prize a thunderous swing in volleyball or douse in basketball far more than than a simple layup or line shot – despite them existence worth the verbal aforementioned amount of points.

In that location'south only something about jumping high that we love. And for good reason. In volleyball, jumping college will allow you to tap into an entirely new dimension of your game. It'll requite you offensive angles y'all've never had before, allowing you to side out at a higher rate. Information technology'll make you a bigger presence at the net, making it more difficult for an opponent to hit a high line over you or get a swing around you. It'll impact virtually every attribute of your game.

Notwithstanding the question remains: How tin I increase my vertical in volleyball?

It's a common ane, searched by thousands upon thousands on Google every year. And in that location are a lot of answers out at that place – nearly of which are not bully answers. Mayhap you've done your own research, cobbling together a conditioning programme. Or, perhaps y'all're like thousands of volleyball players out there, and you're a little lost equally to how to increase your vertical.

Don't worry. It's not just yous.

"You take to be tired of going from conditioning to conditioning without any existent direction," AVP professional beach volleyball role player Marker Burik said. "You don't have the numbers, you don't have an verbal idea of what you want to do. Maybe yous're going off an app and know you want to do some bodyweight squats or lunges merely y'all don't know exactly why and where each do fits in to making you lot win that tournament, making yous win that match, helping you go a amend partner."

We're here to help yous with that. We're here to assist you increment your vertical for volleyball. We're here to aid yous win more matches, hit those large swings you've always wanted, get picked upward by the best partners.

We're here to give y'all the 10 Commandments of the Vertical Spring.

If you want more data like this, delivered to you on a weekly footing, check out our Aristocracy Membership, an spread-out bundle that will become you jumping college, hitting harder, and playing the best volleyball of your life!

1. Cess: Know yourself, so you tin can grow yourself

Earlier we get into the reps and sets and any actual lifting and workouts, we must begin with an assessment.

"Knowing what blazon of jumper you are, knowing where you are, is huge," Burik said. "If you're in a plan, and information technology doesn't starting time yous off with a motility assessment, telling you where you're mobile, telling you where you're tight, telling you what type of jumper you are – maybe we could imagine we're tight in sure areas, only we don't know."

If you're sick, for case, you'd tell your doctor your symptoms. He or she would then diagnose yous with a specific medicine and specific activities you should do and avert. That's assessment.

Increasing your vertical jump for volleyball is no different. We must start assess, to understand, as Burik said, "what blazon of jumper you are."

Equally part of that assessment, nosotros must understand the Second Commandment of the Vertical Spring: What Metrics are important for you to know, and how to amend.

2. Metrics: What they are, and why you need them

In volleyball, in that location are a number of different types of jumps. In that location is our arroyo spring, which we employ mostly in serve receive and transition when we're attacking. There's a block jump, in which nosotros exercise not take the luxury of an approach to build up speed and explosiveness. In that location's too a wide jump, measuring how far we can spring.

Before we begin our program to increase our vertical in volleyball, we must first measure all of these jumps, so we can get an accurate assessment – the First Commandment – of what blazon of jumper we are, and how much nosotros are improving as nosotros go.

In the weight room, we volition test our ane-rep max for both the back squat and deadlift, two of the most crucial lifts to increase your vertical in volleyball.

And, finally, we will mensurate our speed and agility. To do this, put two cones roughly 15 anxiety apart. After striking your stopwatch, time how long it takes, using merely shuffle footwork, to affect each cone ten times.

At present that we have our metrics, and are properly assessed, we can move on to Commandment Three.

3. Balance: The central to longevity in volleyball

You might experience balanced. You lot might feel as if both of your legs are doing an equal amount of piece of work. You might feel equally if your force and explosiveness are perfectly balanced. This is unlikely, especially in a sport such as volleyball, where hundreds upon thousands of movements require the use of muscles both big and small.

"So many people take muscles that are inhibited, who oasis't had a program that allowed them to get balanced," Burik said. "If 1 of your hips is working harder than the other, it's going to lead to injury.

"If every time you need to jump or move athletically and y'all're also kind of falling, you're not going to exist able to use all your power, you're not going to exist able to utilise your maximal leap, it'southward going to misemploy all your free energy."

Have you heard of the term "jumpers knee"? Chances are, you lot have, and there'south a reason it'due south not called "jumpers knees." Information technology'south singular: Only 1 genu is particularly inflamed to the bespeak of getting a diagnosis. Why is this?


One leg is doing more piece of work than the other. This could be due to anything from ankle mobility to hip mobility to lower back mobility to an imbalance in our strength. In order to reduce our risk of injury, we must ensure that nosotros train in a balanced fashion, keeping our weight distribution equal throughout our kinetic chain.

How can we ensure this?

In a word: Mobility.

The Fourth Commandment of the Vertical Jump.

four. Mobility: Athleticism and force in every position

"In guild to be athletic, you lot have to be mobile. Some people call this flexibility, but we call it mobility," Burik said. "Can y'all be able-bodied and stiff in a lot of different positions?"

Static stretching is a tremendous examination of flexibility, and has its value. But how ofttimes are we going to be simply sitting downwards, stretching our hamstrings on a volleyball court? Not often.

How often are we going to exist in a deep lunge, reaching for a ball, before popping up to hit it immediately after?

Near every play.

That'due south the difference between flexibility and mobility.

"Imagine how much ameliorate you could be if you could get into a deep squat or a deep lunge and pass in between your legs and under your knees and all those awkward positions we get into in sport and in volleyball," Burik said. "We demand to be able to get into those bad-mannered positions and still exist potent and efficient."

Mobility is the Fourth Commandment of the Vertical Bound -- these stretches and exercises will teach you how to go more than mobile -- but it might be the first commandment of how to become an fantabulous volleyball player. Mobility will non simply assist u.s.a. bound higher, but it'll help us swing harder, allowing u.s. to rotate our chest and spine as we become to hit the ball. Mobility is what volition keep you injury gratis, allowing you to play an entire season without injury.

Peculiarly when that mobility is combined with the Fifth Commandment of the Vertical Bound: Core.

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5. Core: It's not but for good-looking abs

The definition for your core is a vague 1. About, when thinking of core, imagine half-dozen-pack abs and a rippling lower back. This isn't incorrect; just express.

"Your core," Burik explained, "is everything underneath your chest all the way to your thighs."

Rather than imagine your cadre equally an enormous group of muscles, perhaps information technology will help to retrieve of its purpose: Stability. We use our cadre in literally everything we practise: walking, talking, shuffling through the checkout line at Trader Joe's, jumping to hit a brawl, changing management to dig a high line -- as we show in the video below -- spiking a volleyball, literally everything.

It'south what keeps our body stable, able to make explosive movements, or any movements at all, really.

"When I was taking off for digs, when I was running, I noticed that my torso had this lag that I didn't want it to have," Burik said of his years as a professional person beach volleyball player when he had a weaker core. "I would lead and my chest would get left backside and so information technology would catch up. Now my legs are trying to pull my chest instead of driving my chest. Your legs are better at pushing than they are pulling. I was slow. Every bit before long as I started embracing core work, and then I finally felt fast. Y'all can acquire to exist fast. This is one of the things that was holding me back from getting and then many digs. I am always in the summit three on the AVP in digs. Ever. A big part of that is core."

vi. Glute activation: We can't leap high if our butt'south asleep

If you accept been to an AVP beach volleyball tournament, or take watched a professional beach volleyball player in any chapters, you will no doubt have seen a version of the aforementioned warm up routine from all of them: They'll put bands around their legs and begin to practise small movements.

There's a reason 99 percent of beach volleyball players do this: Those bands activate the glute muscles.

Those glute muscles are the keys to unlocking your vertical jump.

"Sure muscles can be inhibited. They autumn asleep," Burik said. "Other muscles override them. Your glute muscles should exist the strongest in your torso, and are absolutely imperative to strength and speed. Making sure our glutes know when it was fourth dimension to fire is crucial. Glute activation tells your glutes it'southward time to fire."

You know what doesn't tell your glutes information technology'southward time to burn? Sitting. You know what we do all day, every day?

Sit down.

Having a thorough warm-upwardly routine that gets your glute muscles activated and firing is a critical commandment of the vertical jump. We can't expect to increment our vertical in volleyball if the biggest musculus isn't firing.

And, for that affair, we can't await to increase our vertical in volleyball if we're not doing arguably the most important activeness: Jumping!

vii. Spring jump better your vertical jump

The homo body and brain is a remarkable affair. Information technology truly is. Nosotros can program it to do virtually anything we want: Run a marathon? Sure. Swim 10 miles? Why not? Lift an obscene corporeality of weight? Absolutely.

Nosotros can only do these impressive feats, withal, if we tell our body what we're doing, and how to do it.

"This is crucial," Burik said. "How are you going to jump college if y'all don't tell your body what to do? Y'all need to jump on a regular ground."

Which is why the Seventh Commandment of the Vertical Bound is, simply: Spring, spring, spring.

But jump the right style.

"Does a spring roper have a high vertical spring? They tin. Only normally they don't," Burik said. "They've trained themselves to bound two inches. Your body is awesome. It will build the muscles and pathways you tell information technology to. So if you're not jumping on at least three of your workouts per calendar week, you lot're not going to be able to jump higher, menses."

You lot must jump high. Yous must jump explosively. You must bound like you would in a match.

Yous must jump, jump, jump.

And, if you lot want daily advice on how to continue improving, you must enroll in our Elite Membership! We'd love to accept you and assist you lot grow every bit a person and volleyball player!

8. Max strength: The edifice block of the vertical leap

Have you ever watched Sean Rosenthal play volleyball? If yous've been a fan of the sport for whatsoever of the previous 20 years, then y'all've seen Superman fly. As you've watched him bounce the Vegas Line, or soar over some of the biggest blocks in the world, have you noticed the dude's quads?

They're huge!

And incredibly, almost indescribably, potent. Information technology's past no accident that Rosenthal is i of the most impressive leapers of the previous two decades; he has some of the strongest legs y'all'll ever encounter. His legs accept virtually maxed out their strength, the Eighth Commandment of the Vertical Jump.

"This is huge," Burik said. "Your ability to movement with strength and move your trunk well volition get y'all skying. If you're not scheduling sets with high weights for yourself, you won't exist able to maximize whatever yous got. You lot have to develop max forcefulness."

There is a uncomplicated formula to develop the maximal strength needed to increment your vertical for volleyball. Your workouts should exist done in three to six sets, between one and six repetitions each. These sets should be done using 80-95 percentage of your i-rep max, which we measured with the 2nd Commandment of the Vertical Spring.

As we build our maximum force, we'll simultaneously be improving upon the Ninth Commandment of the Vertical Jump: Speed.

9. Speed: To jump high, you must jump fast

There is little that'due south complicated about this commandment. It'due south every bit simple as information technology gets:

"If you can move a bunch of weight, and you tin can move it as fast as possible, guess what?" Burik said. "All that energy is going into the footing and it'due south taking off. Once you're able to generate fast speed, all of a sudden, yes, we're rocking."

Equally important to how much weight we're lifting is how fast we're able to elevator it. If we can deadlift 500 pounds, that's great – simply if it takes usa twenty seconds to get all that weight up, it'south non doing us much good. Retrieve: Our brains are smart. If we're teaching information technology to lift and motility tiresome, we're going to motion dull. If nosotros're teaching it to move heavy weights fast, nosotros're going to be able to move fast.

We're going to be chasing down high lines and skying over the blockers with no issue. The deadliest combination to increment your vertical in volleyball is max strength and max speed.

Just all of this – the assessing and measuring, building strength and speed, developing core and mobility – would all be entirely useless without the Tenth Commandment of the Vertical Leap: Recovery.

10. Recovery: The secret to increasing your vertical

Do you know what's happening while you're working out? You're really tearing your muscles in microscopic ways. You're breaking your body down, and every time information technology recovers, it recovers incrementally stronger, so it's more difficult to break down the side by side time. Which is why we have to increase our weights to continually break those muscles downwardly.

Simply if we're non giving our trunk fourth dimension to recover, our muscles are simply breaking downwards more and more, which leads to injury, burnout, and frustration. Recovery is imperative, in everything nosotros do. At that place's a reason that texts as onetime every bit the Bible call for an unabridged day of rest. Fifty-fifty God took a mean solar day off, folks.

So tin can you lot.

If information technology helps, wait at your rest days as work. You must rest, or you're actually moving backwards, getting further from your goal to increase your vertical in volleyball. Put in the piece of work in the gym, and so put in the rest that will make it all worth it.

11. Then what's the side by side step? Where can yous detect a great plan?

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If yous want to increment your vertical in embankment volleyball to jump higher, hitting harder, and win tournaments. All you have to exercise is sign upwardly for our Beach Volleyball Mastery. We'll help you lot build a great foundation that lets you lot add strength without putting on unnecessary size. We'll also equip you with all of the fitness noesis and programming you demand for everything volleyball.

Once inside the membership, you'll be able to unlock our threescore Day Calm Max Vertical Bound Preparation Plan along with 9 more skill courses.

Once you lot sign up, you'll exist able to picket the in-depth tutorials, film your "before" videos, start and film your at-habitation drills and begin posting to our Private Facebook Group. And then, our coaches will break down your mechanics and positioning at our weekly online meetings. Yep, that means we wait at YOUR videos and we motorcoach You lot!

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