
How Can You Increase The Solubility Of A Substance

Solid Solubility and Temperature

Solubility frequently depends on temperature; the solubility of many substances increases with increasing temperature.

Learning Objectives

Recall the relationship betwixt solubility and temperature

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Points

  • For many solids dissolved in liquid water, the solubility increases with temperature.
  • The increase in kinetic energy that comes with college temperatures allows the solvent molecules to more than effectively suspension apart the solute molecules that are held together by intermolecular attractions.
  • The increased vibration (kinetic free energy) of the solute molecules causes them to deliquesce more readily considering they are less able to hold together.

Key Terms

  • solubility: The amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a solvent to give a saturated solution under specified conditions.
  • kinetic energy: The energy possessed by an object because of its movement, equal to one one-half the mass of the body times the foursquare of its velocity.

Solid Solubility and Temperature

The solubility of a given solute in a given solvent typically depends on temperature. Many salts show a large increment in solubility with temperature. Some solutes exhibit solubility that is fairly independent of temperature. A few, such equally cerium(III) sulfate, become less soluble in water equally temperature increases. This temperature dependence is sometimes referred to as retrograde or changed solubility, and exists when a salt'southward dissolution is exothermic; this can exist explained considering, according to Le Chatelier's principle, actress heat will cause the equilibrium for an exothermic process to shift towards the reactants.


Solubility Versus Temperature: This chart shows the solubility of various substances in h2o at a variety of temperatures (in degrees Celsius). Notice how NaCl'south solubility is relatively constant regardless of temperature, whereas Na2SO4's solubility increases exponentially over 0–35 degrees Celsius and then abruptly begins to decrease.

Theoretical Perspective

As the temperature of a solution is increased, the average kinetic energy of the molecules that make up the solution too increases. This increase in kinetic energy allows the solvent molecules to more finer break apart the solute molecules that are held together by intermolecular attractions.

The average kinetic energy of the solute molecules as well increases with temperature, and it destabilizes the solid state. The increased vibration (kinetic energy) of the solute molecules causes them to be less able to agree together, and thus they dissolve more readily.

Application in Recrystallization

A useful application of solubility is recrystallizaton. During recrystallization, an impure substance is taken up in a volume of solvent at a temperature at which it is insoluble, which is then heated until information technology becomes soluble. The impurities dissolve as well, merely when the solution is cooled, it is frequently possible to selectively crystallize, or precipitate, the desired substance in a purer form.

Gas Solubility and Temperature

Solubility of a gas in h2o tends to subtract with increasing temperature, and solubility of a gas in an organic solvent tends to increase with increasing temperature.

Learning Objectives

Call back the relationship between gas solubility and temperature

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Points

  • Gases dissolved in h2o become less soluble with increasing temperature.
  • Gases dissolved in organic solvents get more than soluble with increasing temperature.
  • Dissolved oxygen in water is important to the survival of fish, then increasing temperature (and therefore less dissolved oxygen in water) can cause issues for fish.

Fundamental Terms

  • solubility: The amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given corporeality of a solvent to give a saturated solution nether specified conditions.

Several factors affect the solubility of gases: i of these factors is temperature. In general, solubility of a gas in water will decrease with increasing temperature: colder water volition be able to have more gas dissolved in it.


Solubilities of Gases in Water: Marsh gas, oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and helium all have dissimilar solubilities in water, simply all of them become less soluble with increasing temperature.

Consequences of Gas Solubility Temperature Dependence

When the temperature of a river, lake, or stream is raised abnormally high, usually due to the discharge of hot water from some industrial procedure, the solubility of oxygen in the water is decreased.

Considering fish and other organisms that live in natural bodies of h2o tin be sensitive to the concentration of oxygen in water, decreased levels of dissolved oxygen may have serious consequences for the health of the water'due south ecosystems. In severe cases, temperature changes can result in big-calibration fish kills.

Gas Solubility In Organic Solvents

The trend that gas solubility decreases with increasing temperature does not concur in all cases. While information technology is in full general true for gases dissolved in water, gases dissolved in organic solvents tend to go more soluble with increasing temperature.

At that place are several molecular reasons for the change in solubility of gases with increasing temperature, which is why there is no i tendency independent of gas and solvent for whether gases volition become more or less soluble with increasing temperature.

Solubility and Pressure

Increasing force per unit area volition increment the solubility of a gas in a solvent.

Learning Objectives

Recognize the relationship betwixt pressure and the solubility of a gas

Fundamental Takeaways

Key Points

  • For condensed phases ( solids and liquids ), the pressure dependence of solubility is typically weak and is commonly neglected in practice.
  • William Henry, an English chemist, showed that the solubility of a gas increased with increasing pressure.
  • The increment in solubility based on pressure will depend on which gas is beingness dissolved and must be determined experimentally for each gas.

Key Terms

  • solubility: The amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given corporeality of a solvent to give a saturated solution under specified conditions.
  • equilibrium: The state of a reaction in which the rates of the forrad and opposite reactions are the same.
  • Henry'south law: States that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid.

The Effect of Force per unit area on Solubility

For solids and liquids, known as condensed phases, the pressure dependence of solubility is typically weak and is usually neglected in practice. However, the solubility of gases shows pregnant variability based on pressure level. Typically, a gas will increase in solubility with an increase in force per unit area. This effect can be mathematically described using an equation called Henry's constabulary.

Henry'southward Law

When a gas is dissolved in a liquid, pressure level has an of import result on the solubility. William Henry, an English pharmacist, showed that the solubility of a gas increased with increasing pressure. He discovered the post-obit relationship:

[latex]\text{C}= \text{k}*\text{P}_{\text{gas}}[/latex]

In this equation, C is the concentration of the gas in solution, which is a measure of its solubility, k is a proportionality constant that has been experimentally determined, and P gas is the partial pressure of the gas above the solution. The proportionality constant needs to be experimentally determined because the increase in solubility volition depend on which kind of gas is being dissolved.


William Henry: The discoverer of Henry's law, which states that the solubility of a gas in a solvent is straight proportional to the pressure of the gas.

There are some things to recollect when working with this police:

  • Henry's police force simply works if the molecules are at equilibrium and if the aforementioned molecules are nowadays throughout the solution.
  • Henry's law does not apply to gases at extremely high pressures.
  • Henry's law does non apply if there is a chemical reaction between the solute and the solvent. For example, HCl (g) reacts with h2o in the dissociation reaction and affects solubility, so Henry'due south law cannot exist used in this case.
  • If Henry'southward police force is used to announce how the concentration will change with force per unit area, the following equation is used: [latex]\frac{\text{P}_1}{\text{C}_1} =\frac{\text{P}_2}{\text{C}_2}[/latex]


If 2.5 atm of pressure is applied to a carbonated beverage, what is the concentration of the dissolved CO2, given thou = 29.76 [latex]\frac{\text{atm}}{\text{Thou}} [/latex] for CO2?

[latex]\text{P} = \text{yard} \times \text{C}[/latex]

[latex]2.5 \text{atm} = 29.76 \frac{\text{atm}}{\text{Grand}} \times \text{C}[/latex]

Solving for C, nosotros observe that the concentration of the dissolved CO2 is 0.088 M.

Applications of Gas Solubility

In lodge for deep-sea divers to breathe underwater, they must inhale highly compressed air in deep h2o, resulting in more nitrogen dissolving in their blood, tissues, and joints. If a diver returns to the surface too quickly, the nitrogen gas diffuses out of the blood likewise quickly, causing pain and possibly death. This condition is known as "the bends."

To forbid the bends, a diver must return to the surface slowly, and so that the gases will adjust to the partial decrease in pressure and diffuse more slowly. A diver tin can also breathe a mixture of compressed helium and oxygen gas, since helium is but ane-fifth every bit soluble in claret as nitrogen.

Underwater, our bodies are similar to a soda canteen under pressure. Imagine dropping the bottle and trying to open it. In society to forbid the soda from fizzing out, you lot open the cap slowly to let the pressure level subtract. On land, we breathe nearly 78 percent nitrogen and 21 per centum oxygen, just our bodies use by and large the oxygen. When we're underwater, however, the high pressure of water surrounding our bodies causes nitrogen to build upward in our claret and tissues. Like in the case of the bottle of soda, if we move effectually or come up from the h2o too rapidly, the nitrogen volition be released from our bodies too chop-chop, creating bubbles in our blood and causing "the bends."


Scuba diver: Solubility and pressure are very relevant to scuba divers, who are susceptible to "the bends." As divers swim deeper, the pressure increases the amount of nitrogen dissolved in their claret. Unless they ascend slowly, the nitrogen can diffuse out of their blood too quickly, causing pain and even death.

How Can You Increase The Solubility Of A Substance,


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