
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On Leather Couch

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Nobody wants their cute leather sofa to be treated like a litter box. Just what can yous do when yous start noticing some unpleasant stains and smells coming from the upholstery? In that location's no need to worry. We're here to walk you lot through 2 different ways that y'all can clean and recondition your leather couch back to its onetime glory. We've too put together some handy tips and tricks that can keep your kitty from spraying or tinkling the couch in the first place, so your sofa can stay in great shape.

  1. 1

    Blot upwards any leftover urine with paper towels if the stain is fresh. Toss out the used newspaper towels and continue soaking up the mess with fresh sheets. Go along blotting until you've soaked up equally much pee equally possible.[i]

  2. two

    Spritz a water-white vinegar mixture over the stain and expect 5 minutes. Mix ane part distilled white vinegar and 1 role tap water in a spray canteen. Spray the mixture on top until the stain is completely covered. Then, set a timer for about 5 minutes so the vinegar has enough fourth dimension to soak into the stain.[2]


  3. three

    Dry off your couch with a paper towel. Blot up the water and vinegar from the surface of the leather until it'south completely dry. You may demand to utilize more than one paper towel for this.[3]

  4. iv

    Employ leather conditioner to go along the material hydrated ans supple. Pour a small portion of commercial leather conditioner onto a soft, lint-free rag. Then, vitrify the product into your sofa, focusing peculiarly on the spot you lot stain-treated. Permit the couch air-dry out completely earlier sitting in it again.[four]


  1. ane

    Soak upward any fresh urine with a paper towel. Absorb up equally much pee as yous tin can with the paper towel earlier throwing information technology away and grabbing a clean one. Proceed blotting until you've soaked upwards most of the urine–this will brand the rest of the cleaning process a lot easier.[5]

    • Make sure that you don't rub the stain into the sofa. This can force the urine deeper into the leather, and will only make the cleaning procedure more difficult.[6]
    • It might help to open a window or switch on a fan to help ventilate the area while you clean.
  2. 2

    Locate dried urine stains with a blacklight. Dried cat pee isn't ever noticeable to the naked eye, simply information technology does glow under a blacklight. Switch off the lights in the room with your leather couch and shine the blacklight over your couch to see what you observe.[7]

    • You tin buy a blacklight online or at a abode improvement store. They're typically priced between $15 and $30.
  3. iii

    Spritz over the stain with an enzymatic cleaner. Enzymatic cleaners are formulated to get rid of the acid in pet urine stains, along with the terrible smell. Start spraying the cleaner all over the stain until the surface is totally drenched.[viii]

    • Make sure that your enzymatic cleaner is safe to use on leather before you start spraying.
    • You lot can buy enzymatic cleaner online or at a pet supply shop.
  4. 4

    Blot up the stain with a clean paper towel. Soak up the leftover cleaner, along with the urine in the surface of your leather. Use equally many newspaper towels as it takes to soak up the rest of the cleaner.[9]

  5. v

    Go on spritzing and blotting until the urine stain is gone. Grab your blacklight and smooth it over the surface stain. If there are still traces of urine on the leather, go over it again with the enzymatic cleaner and paper towel. If zippo lights upward, you're good to go![x]

  6. 6

    Dry out off the leather with a clean material. Pat downwards the area that you just cleaned to soak upward excess moisture. Then, let your burrow air-dry overnight before sitting on it.[11]

  7. seven

    Rehydrate the leather with a special leather conditioner. Squeeze a small dollop of commercial leather conditioner onto a clean, lint-gratis rag. Massage the product all over your leather sofa, including the area y'all just treated. Then, look for the leather to completely dry off before using your couch again.[12]


  1. 1

    Set some kitty food near your leather couch. Cats are pretty sanitary animals, so they aren't fans of eating in the aforementioned place that they get to the bathroom. Using this logic, set out a basin of cat food then information technology's right next to your leather sofa–with whatever luck, your cat will become the hint and leave the furniture alone.[13]

  2. ii

    Clean your true cat's litter box if it's muddied. Like humans, cats don't like going to the bath in a dirty space. Audit and replace the litter box one time every few days, and dispose of any poop as before long as you lot notice it. If you lot have multiple cats at dwelling house, make sure that each kitty has their own designated litter box, likewise.[14]

    • Some cats aren't fans of certain litter scents and textures. Attempt switching out your true cat'due south litter with a fine, sand-like, and unscented variety.
  3. 3

    Attempt a different style of litter box. Your true cat'due south litter box preferences really depend on their age and size. Big kitties obviously need roomier litter boxes that they tin can move around in, while kittens and senior cats like open litter boxes with low walls. Information technology may accept a scrap of trial and fault earlier you figure out your cat'southward preferences, so don't give up![15]

    • Cats more often than not dislike covered litter boxes, since they tend to trap odors in one place.
  4. iv

    Cover the nearby flooring with newspaper, sandpaper, or something similar. Cats don't like walking on sure materials, and volition avoid areas that take them. With this in mind, place a few sheets of newspaper or cling wrap effectually your leather burrow to deter your cat.[xvi]


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  • Question

    How do yous remove true cat scratches from leather?

    Mallika Sharma

    Mallika Sharma is a Certified Leather Intendance Technician and the Founder of The Leather Laundry, a niche spa service for luxury leather gear in India. Mallika specializes in leather cleaning, coloring, repairing, and restoring for shoes, handbags, jackets, wallets, belts, and sofas. She holds a Master's degree in Finance and Investment from the University of Edinburgh Business concern Schoolhouse. Mallika is a certified Professional Leather Care Technician and trained with the globally reputed leather intendance company, LTT in the Britain.

    Mallika Sharma

    Certified Leather Care Technician

    Expert Answer

    Take a good filler cream and utilise a needle to identify the cream gently on the scratched surface. Next, even out and vitrify the cream with the needle, allowing the cream to settle and dry on the scratch for a few hours. After the product dries, touch it upwards with matching color and the task is washed!

  • Question

    What will neutralize bad smells in leather?

    Mallika Sharma

    Mallika Sharma is a Certified Leather Care Technician and the Founder of The Leather Laundry, a niche spa service for luxury leather gear in India. Mallika specializes in leather cleaning, coloring, repairing, and restoring for shoes, handbags, jackets, wallets, belts, and sofas. She holds a Principal's degree in Finance and Investment from the Academy of Edinburgh Business Schoolhouse. Mallika is a certified Professional person Leather Care Technician and trained with the globally reputed leather care company, LTT in the United Kingdom.

    Mallika Sharma

    Certified Leather Care Technician

    Skillful Answer

    The best solution is to let the leather production dry out naturally under the sunday for some days! The smell volition automatically go. You can also rent a professional that tin administer deodorizing chemicals to get rid of the smell.

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Things Y'all'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Paper towels
  • Enzymatic cleaner
  • Blacklight
  • Commercial leather conditioner

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