
How Long Will Sealed Chicken Bone Broth Keep In Fridge

You lot found an expired canned or boxed craven goop in your pantry, and you're not sure if you tin employ information technology or non. Does chicken broth become bad?

Or maybe y'all simply returned the leftovers in the fridge, and you're wondering how long does chicken goop concluding in the fridge.

Nigh store-bought craven broths final for at to the lowest degree a twelvemonth of their production date, but once you open the can, all y'all've got is a couple of days. If you need more than than that, freezing the leftovers is your all-time bet.

If you're interested in learning more than nearspoilage, shelf life, storage, and freezing of chicken broth, you're in the right identify.

Allow's get right into it.

  • Shelf life
  • Spoilage
  • Storage
  • Freezing
Vegetable soup based on chicken broth
Vegetable soup based on craven goop

How Long Does Chicken Goop Concluding?

Store-bought chicken broth comes with a shelf life of one to 2 years and commonly keeps for an extra half a year by its date. In one case yous open up the can or box, it keeps for well-nigh 3 to 4 days.

Homemade chicken broth is pretty like to an opened can and keeps for about 3 to four days as well.

If you need more than time than that, freezing is a possibility.

That's the gist of information technology. Let'southward go the details.

Pantry Fridge
Canned chicken broth (unopened) Best past + 6 months
Canned chicken broth (opened) iii – iv days
Homemade craven broth three – 4 days
Pouring soup
Pouring soup


Unopened chicken broth typically has a shelf life of 12 to 24 months and hands keeps for 6+ months past the printed engagement.

The cans and boxes are sealed and condom from the exterior environment, so as long as you shop them properly and zippo terrible happens, they should concluding well by the labeled date.

More on how long is chicken stock skillful after expiration in a moment.

In The Fridge

One time y'all open the store-bought craven broth, you should use information technology inside 3 to four days. That'south the official USDA recommendation.

Some brands suggest a slightly longer storage menstruum of upwardly to vii days, but most stick to the 3 to iv days rule of pollex.

You can sometimes get abroad with letting the broth sit in the fridge for an extra day, but more than that feels like playing with fire to me.

Once again, if those few days aren't long enough for your needs, consider freezing the leftovers.

Tomato soup with chicken and pasta
Tomato soup with chicken and pasta

How Long Is Homemade Chicken Stock Good For?

Bootleg chicken broth stays good for 3 to 4 days in the fridge, the aforementioned as shop-bought broth keeps after opening.

It'due south also the same flow that'due south suggested for storing all sorts of leftovers that crave refrigeration.

In my experience, homemade chicken broth can proceed for up to 5 days. On the sixth day, it oft starts to requite off a foul smell, and that's a sure sign information technology's no longer safe to use.

How Long Is Chicken Goop Good After Expiration?

Boxed or canned chicken broth should proceed for at least an extra half-dozen months past the printed date.

Truth exist told, at that place's no way to give you an verbal period. Those six months that I recommend are only a safe estimate, and many other websites recommend even longer periods.

If you store the container properly, it should stay rubber to eat for at least a couple of years by its date.

Obviously, sellers e'er advise you should swallow their product before the engagement on the label for the best quality and then on.

For me, it's more than most what you're comfortable with.

If you see an unopened boxed chicken broth that's vii months past the printed date, and y'all're like: "looks proficient, allow's get cooking," and so by all means, use that goop.

But if you have 1 that's iii months after the all-time-by date, and you're similar: "nope, let's get this thing out of hither," and so it'southward perfectly okay to discard it.


Earlier using an out-of-date chicken broth, e'er expect for the signs of spoilage. I encompass them extensively in the adjacent section.

Homemade chicken broth
Homemade chicken goop, observe the cloudiness

How to Tell if Chicken Broth Is Bad?

While shop-bought craven broth comes with quite a long shelf life, it doesn't last forever. And one time you open up information technology, it becomes unsafe to eat within a couple of days.

When checking if your chicken stock is still okay to apply, consider the following:

Storage Time

If your chicken stock is way past the date on the label, or sits in the fridge for similar a calendar week already, discard it.

Information technology isn't necessarily spoiled, but it's no longer safe to eat, and that'south a good enough reason to pour it downward the drain.

For a detailed give-and-take on how long after the "expiration" engagement you can use chicken stock, check the section on shelf life.

Check the Container

If in that location'south anything wrong with the can or box, similar information technology'due southleaking, rusting, or swelling, discard information technology.

Again, none of these necessarily mean the chicken broth is bad, but using information technology is risky. And there's no point in getting sick later ignoring obvious signs that something is wrong.

Cabbage soup with potatoes and chicken
Cabbage soup (based on chicken broth) with potatoes and chicken


Chicken goop, especially homemade, grows a thick layer of fatty on acme of the liquid subsequently existence refrigerated for a day or and then. That fat should be creamy white, without any discolorations or mold.

If you notice anything weird going on on the surface of the fat or the broth itself, discard it. Scooping the "spoiled" fatty and using the rest is a bad idea.

Adjacent, permit's set some expectations on how the liquid should wait like.

Store-bought broth should exist clear and without any sediment on the lesser (unless the characterization says otherwise). On the other hand, homemade chicken broth volition probably be quite cloudy and possibly with a lot of sediment on the lesser (unless you strain it).

Sometimes, the broth might thicken after cooling and become jello-like. That happens pretty much simply in homemade chicken bone broth, and it's a skillful thing.

If in that location'southward something "funny" most your broth, and it doesn't match the above clarification at all, assume that it's bad and discard it.

Fat on chicken broth surface
Fatty on homemade chicken broth surface, perfectly normal

Give Information technology a Whiff

If your chicken stock smells sour, off, or "funny," information technology'due south fourth dimension for information technology to go.

In my experience, the most common sign of spoiled craven broth is the off smell. The smell change is usually quite articulate, and if that's the case, pour it downward the drain.

At present, if everything up to this betoken seems to be okay, it's fourth dimension to gustatory modality it.

The Taste Examination

This i is every bit simple as information technology gets: y'all beverage a small sip or two of the broth and determine if it's skilful plenty or non.

95 out of 100 times, it will exist only fine if it smells good. But if it tastes off for any reason, err on the side of caution and throw information technology out.

How To Store Chicken Broth

An unopened canned or boxed chicken stock should sit in a absurd and dry identify. The pantry or a cupboard in the kitchen are perfect for that.

Once you open up the container, seal the leftovers tightly and air-condition. The same applies to bootleg craven broth.

While boxed chicken broth is hands resealable, the canned version isn't. If that's what you have, you can transfer the leftovers into an airtight container, mason jar, bottle, or a lidded pot. Either volition get the job done.

Last,exit the fatty on peak of the liquid.

If yous tend to discard the thick layer that forms after refrigerating broth leftovers, leave it intact. It helps protect the broth and keep it squeamish and fresh for longer.

Craven Broth Sold Frozen

There are brands like Brodo or Bonafide Provisions that sell frozen broth. The packages are shipped frozen and delivered cold or partially frozen.

For such broths, you should adhere to the company'due south recommendation for storage.

In nigh cases, that means freezing the broth one time information technology arrives and defrosting it in the refrigerator when yous're ready to utilise it.

Creamy broccoli soup based on chicken broth
Creamy broccoli soup based on chicken broth

Can You Freeze Chicken Goop?

You can freeze both store-bought and homemade chicken broth. Even the producers such as College Inn or McCormick say yous tin freeze their broths no problem.

Here's how:

  1. Choose packaging. If you programme on making a chicken soup from that broth, a container or a couple is a skillful option. But if you unremarkably need only a tablespoon or ii of the broth for a sauce, gravy, or to add some actress flavor, an ice cube tray is a much amend pick.
  2. Pour the goop into the containers or water ice cube trays.
  3. (If using an water ice cube tray) Put the tray in the freezer and go out it there until the cubes freeze solid. Then transfer the frozen broth cubes into an airtight container or freezer pocketbook.
  4. Put everything in the freezer.

When it comes to how long the chicken broth can sit in the freezer, nearly sellers recommend 2 to 3 months for the all-time season. Of course, the broth should stay perfectly fine for a lot longer.

When you need to thaw the craven goop, identify it in the fridge and leave it there overnight. The broth should be defrosted in the morning.

If you're brusk on fourth dimension, you lot can defrost information technology on the stovetop on low heat. Just think to be near the pot and stir it now so so that it doesn't burn.


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